Toga is a small market town, some 29 Kms West of Mekelle . On Tuesdays every week, its market day, however, it is filled with people coming from far and near to shop, trade or buy and sell their produce. Many also come from Mekelle to trade and return.
Togoga from Mekelle through Kokholo Yohannes.
On June 22, 2021, the market started as usual, but soon it was changed into chaos and carnage. Starting from about 11 AM, three bombs were dropped in Togoga and a nearby village. The first one landed in a field in the nearby village, and the latter two landed on the Togoga market full of market goers killing and wounding many and demolishing at least 25 houses. A group of healthcare workers that reached Togoga first recount some of what they saw.
They were five healthcare workers in two ambulances that sneaked into Togoga through kokolo. They arrived at 8:20 pm. They found a few residents grieving and waiting helplessly on the roadside with casualties lying down on the ground. “When we arrived there, eye witnesses told us that more than 80 people died. But yesterday afternoon, a guy told us that he knows for sure that about 40 died.” One MD said “I saw about 25 houses destroyed by the airstrike”.
The actual death toll is 64 while about 184 have been injured as confirmed today, bringing the total causality to 244.
After giving a first aid, they said “we did a triage and identified those who need immediate medical intervention in Ayder”. One medical doctor and a nurse started traveling to Mekelle with 10 critically injured patients among whom were 3 children. This was around 10:30 PM
When they reached halfway (a place where it was possible to make phone calls), they were alerted that the military had held healthcare workers who tried the route they followed hostage and they have said they will kill anyone who tried to enter Mekelle from that side.They accused us of passing their checkpoints unnoticed saying we had passed by turning off our lights.
Disappointed, they returned to Togoga. They said
We did not know what to do as we did not have enough medical tools to help the victims in the village. We agreed to move the victims into a nearby primary school. So, we spent the night giving fluids and doing bandages. We hoped that additional ambulances would be sent to us in the early morning and we would be allowed to go back to Ayder as that was promised to us during the night.
But the military refused to let any ambulance to pass on Wednesday too. So, they continued doing the first aid works. They had about 50 wounded people. “We were really scared that we will lose the critical patients.”, said one medical doctor. Around 11am, they were informed that the school they were in was targeted for bombing. They moved the patients to nearby woods. An MD said,
We had to move the patients into the woods. We used the acacia trees as an IV stand. At some point, I thought we all were going to die as we heard some bombings from a direction south of Togoga. Around 3:00pm, we run out of the medical items. So, there was really nothing we could do.
Injured people receiving IV fluids hanging from acacia trees. When the health worker heard the school where they were treating the injured was targeted for aerial strike, they moved them to a nearby forest & spent the night treating them there.
Aregawi gudaf (22) who sustained lung injury is seen inside ambulance receiving IV fluid. He is in a very critical condition, now in Ayder on ICU.
Then four ambulances that have been given permission arrived at around 3:30pm. Two of the ambulances were from ICRC.The ambulances were able to carry about 25 victims. “We left the other patients there with a promise that the ambulances will return”, said the MD. Ambulances have departed from Ayder early morning today [Thursday]. I hope they will make it.
1. Photos
A woman called Mitslal getting some first aid help
A woman killed on the produce she brought to sell. Birr notes are also seen laying around.
Residents digging out from a debris killed people. A dead boy is seen being laid alongside what seems a parent on a corrugated iron.
Photos showing the damages in the houses around the market.
2. Footages
this was right when the ambulances approached the compound; Families sobbing.Healthcare workers doing triage to give priorities for those who need immediate action.The community right when the ambulances approached the compound. Grieving and sobbing.
Families of the victims grieving and expressing their anger when the ambulances finally arrived 27 hours after the airstrike.
Families of the victims grieving and expressing. Victims seen in the background.
The wounded being loaded to the ambulance
Ambulances leaving the compound of a primary school where the victims stayed for about 17 hrs and had been getting first aid
Ambulances carrying the injured leaving for Mekelle
3. Additional Footages from before the arrival of the health care workers
A killed personResidents ululating and identifying victims
what is happening in Tigray is so so heartbreaking. civilians are ding because of no fault of them selves i.e. by the dictatorial army which is killer. the ethnic cleansing is continuing… may our GOD save their life in heaven.
It is so heartbreaking what is happening in Tigrai; why are they always killing innocent civilians. It is a shame to see what is happening in Tigrai is caused by Ethiopian and it alien’s Eritrea to destroy it’s own people of Tigrai. Until the war started , all Tigragnas were proud Ethiopian. Now the Tigrai are fighting for there identity / our identity.
Tigrai will win.😍❤😍
June 26, 2021 at 4:59 am
what is happening in Tigray is so so heartbreaking. civilians are ding because of no fault of them selves i.e. by the dictatorial army which is killer. the ethnic cleansing is continuing… may our GOD save their life in heaven.
June 25, 2021 at 3:38 pm
It is really heartbreaking. When will this endless trauma stop? Our grandparents, our parents, and now us.
ዝተሰዉኡ ወገናትና ኩሉ ብየማነ ሰማዕታት የንብረልና
June 25, 2021 at 11:43 am
ዋይ ዋይ ከምዚ መሳኪን አዴታትና እናተሀረዳ ፥ማሪኩም ትሰዱዎም አለኹም፥ቀደማኺ አደይ፥ብጣዕሚ የኽዝን፥፥ደሀ በደሀ እንደዚህ ተመቕኝቶ የሰው ዘር የአምላክ ፍጡር ይጨፈጭፋል፥፥ የሰው ልጅ ክብር የሌለበት ሀገር፥፥
July 16, 2021 at 2:53 am
“ደሀ በደሀ እንደዚህ ተመቕኝቶ የሰው ዘር የአምላክ ፍጡር ይጨፈጭፋል፥፥ የሰው ልጅ ክብር የሌለበት ሀገር፥፥”
ይህ ኣየር ድብደባ ነው። ፌደራል መንግስት ነው ተመቀኘ የሚሉት ወይስ የተለመደውን ድሃውን ኣማራ ነው
የሰው ህይወት መከበር ያቆመው ቆይትዋል እርሶ ኣሁን ባነኑ እንጂ።
June 25, 2021 at 1:48 am
It is so heartbreaking what is happening in Tigrai; why are they always killing innocent civilians. It is a shame to see what is happening in Tigrai is caused by Ethiopian and it alien’s Eritrea to destroy it’s own people of Tigrai. Until the war started , all Tigragnas were proud Ethiopian. Now the Tigrai are fighting for there identity / our identity.
Tigrai will win.😍❤😍