On the 38th day since the war on Tigray started, the complete information blackout continues. The deaths of aid workers, the alarming humanitarian crisis, and the...
A Tigrayan social media campaign “the flag the face” is trending on twitter. The campaign is about juxtaposing the Tigrayan flag and the person’s photo and...
The podcast was recorded on 9 December 2020. Source: https://ecfr.eu/podcasts/episode/all-eyes-on-ethiopia-what-the-eu-and-the-us-can-do/
For Shewa, the war on Tigray is about subjugating Tigray for Shewan rule. There have been a Tigray-Shewa rivalry Since the end of the 19th century...
It has been 37 days since Abiy Ahmed waged war on Tigray, inviting the Amhara militia and youth vigilantes who call themselves Fano in the south...
An eye witness to the Zalambessa’s horrific massacre of Tigrayans committed by the Ethiopian and Eritrean soldiers tells the story. She says “The soldiers barged into...
On Monday December 7, 2020, the “Ministry of Peace” of Ethiopia conducted a virtual fundraising event for the war on Tigray. A verified twitter account of...
n a statement issued on Dec. 02, 2020, the Tigray Government accuses the combined forces of Abiy Ahmed and Isaias Afewerki of unleashing heinous crimes that...
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